I would be disappointed with our troops if they came home because it was getting too rough
Canadian military is about being the hardest mofo's on the battlefield, making your enemies REMEMBER fighting against Canadians. It was like that in WWII, it should be like that now.
I fully support our action in Afghanistan. If we pack up and leave, that's one step closer to the warlords taking control of the country through fear and subversion.
That being said, what needs to be the emphasis is the building of a credible POLICING force. The army is traditionally not effective, perceived or otherwise, at policing. The role confusion between policing/defense is a major source of conflict in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
So in summary, I guess I should say I support our troops, but only in the role they're mandated for. These countries need to have some legs to prop themselves up on before we cut and run, or it will have all been for nothing.