My girlfriend cries, please help me, I'm stumped.
I've been with her for 6 months. And yes we're quite close already, and everything's fine really. I pamper her a lot and am very nice to her. I doubt I have done anything wrong at all..
But here's the problem, and it's very depressing. She cries a lot. Over small issues. I ask her why she cries. She doesn't know most of the time. She's very sensitive and has very little control over her tears. She tells me different reasons why she cries :
1. She feels it's better for me to be with someone else, more emotionally stable - I keep telling her off as this is not true, because she loves me so much and I'm fine with her, I wouldn't want to be with someone else. I love her.
2. She's afraid we will part when I go to UK to study Medicine soon. 5 years is a long time. But I already assured her that I'll come back to Malaysia every term break, and we can always make up for lost time. I will still love her, yes. And we'll try to work through the long distance as much as we can. If all else fails, we shall worry about that later, not now.
3. She finds it hard to trust someone, even me at the moment, although I've given her all I can emotionally and physically give her. I'm not frustrated at this, because I'm mostly carefree and not bothered (as you can tell by that, I'm quite happy in the relationship).
4. She feels she's selfish and doesn't love me enough. But I have already assured her that she does, and I had never imagine myself being loved so much. She's hardly selfish, always coming over and dropping stuff, food, chocolates. I should be doing that.
5. She tells me she feels she has wronged me, by putting me in odd positions throughout this relationship. That she has not been considerate enough. I told her I don't mind, because she's experiencing all these for the first time, and I'm cool with her bringing stuff up.
And there are loads more reasons why she cries, she's pessimistic and always worrying about what the future might hold. I on the other hand, am an optimist, living for the moment, and not a care in the world of what might/could/will happen.
But what I care for now is her. I am stumped and have no control at all over this situation. I feel that I am the reason she cries because she was never this way before she was with me. She feels she isn't fit for a relationship. Help me. Please..~
"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes.
When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours.
That's relativity."
- Albert Einstein