My mother is considered co-dependant. It shows up mostly in her efforts to find fault in others. She insists that, despite professional testing proving otherwise, my Dad has ADHD. She is 'certain' that my brother has ADHD as well. She was constantly seeing signs of ADD, Dyslexia, Hyperkinesis, Allergies, and even Autism as my daughter began to walk, talk and function. She was even saying that natural responses to touch which my daughter made as an infant were indicators of Autism. My mother is always finding faults in others that need counseling, need medication, need HER to fix and according to her there are no Dr's or counselors in our area who are capable of helping in the way that she can. This view of hers is so completely flawed. She may have read a lot in medical journals and may be a very bright person but she has not professional education in a medical field. Her degrees are in English, and Elementary education.
I have found that feeding her desire to be needed in small ways deters her from finding larger problems to 'help' with. I sometimes call or visit her with questions for her to help with that I know she's capable of helping with quite well. She feels needed, useful, and is satisfied.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.