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Old 04-20-2006, 12:43 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Location: New England
Just in case you missed it, here's some news regarding Apple's "Tour of Duty":
Originally Posted by Crazy Apple Rumors Site
Apple Releases New Boot Loader.

Apple Computer today released Tour of Duty, which the company is billing as a successor to its Boot Camp software. According to a press release, Tour of Duty allows users to install and operate Mac OS X on a Macintosh computer.

While Boot Camp provides the necessary modifications to boot loading procedures on Intel-based Macs to handle Windows XP Service Pack 2’s installation and booting, Tour of Duty apparently just installs Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger.

“We saw so much interest in Boot Camp that this was the next logical move,” said Senior Vice President of Worldwide Product Marketing Phil Schiller. “Tour of Duty builds on Boot Camp by allowing a Mac owner to install the OS X operating system on their Intel-based Macs.

“We’re thrilled to be able to provided this advanced capability to our more technologically-savvy customers.”

Schiller did not explain why users would want a special boot loader for an operating system that comes pre-installed on their Mac.

For Mac owners with Mac OS X installed, Tour of Duty takes twice as long to install and produces strange text-only screens of prompts, but when the process is completed Tiger boots just as it always does.

“Just as our big kitty theme worked for OS X, we’re planning a whole military theme for these special boot loaders,” Schiller said. “Next is Clusterfuck, which will install several versions of Linux and BSD simultaneously, followed by Quagmire, which will allow Windows Vista to run.

“Should it ever be released. They’re kinda… behind… a bit…

“In the seemingly unlikely event that we live long enough to see Microsoft release later operating system updates, we’ll be there with Senseless Violent Reprisal Against Civilians and Disorganized Retreat.”

Tour of Duty is available as a free download to all customers who have registered with Selective Service.
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