I am of the opinion (and a 5:1 minority at the time of my voting) that you are to live together.
Saving money and getting things on track while living with the folks sounds like a rational idea, but shit man...
Children live with thier parents. Adults live on their own.
I would rather be broke and set my own rules than sacrifice my freedom and live with the folks.
Then again, please remember that I got the fuck out of the house and joined the army. That is the kind of relationship I had with my folks.
What would I do?
Have sex in every room of the apartment, 5 times a day.
Then I would drink beer.
Then I would eat red meat.
Then I would thank God that I was not living at my parent's house.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.