Originally Posted by ratbastid
Look, lurkette graduated from college, got married, and moved across the country together, all in the space of a month. We sort of figured, if we were going to turn our whole lives upside down, we might as well get it over with.
This is inspiring, perhaps because I agree.

I am not one to take the slow & steady route through anything... sometimes to my detriment. My dad taught me to swim by throwing me in a swimming pool and saying, "Swim!" Scared the shit out of me, but I started paddling... it's the only way to learn, sometimes.
I have had the most personal success in my life when I have been the farthest away from home and least dependent on my family. But that is the nature of my family dynamics, too. For me, being at home = way too many issues; then again, I am 6 years out of undergrad with no loans, so my material conditions are pretty different from yours. This makes a big difference in the options I'd be willing to consider at this point.
I think it really does depend on the individuals and the whole context. Do what YOU (and Ono) need to do, and see how it all turns out. I find the hardest part of life sometimes is just plain making a decision... living with the consequences is not usually so freaky!