I've noticed a trend lately, and perhaps it's just me, but I figure I'll throw it out there... Whenever someone has any type of relationship problem, at least one person will jump in with the answer to all their problems is COMMUNICATION... You have to COMMUNICATE...
Ok - well... Duh...
But telling someone they need to communicate with another person is like handing someone a dozen eggs and telling them to make a souffle... (at least to me, I'm terrible at communicating my thoughts - as clearly obvious here)
Looking at the definition of communicate, the best definition I can find is "be in verbal contact; interchange information or ideas" - OK - -but that's not always easy for some people.
How do you teach someone to communicate... Years ago, I had a conversation with a buddy, about the belief that i had, that people had to be taught to fight fair... These days, i'm leaning towards the belief that people also need to be taught to communicate.. Not just reminded to do it - actually learn the behavior...
How do you communicate with friends/significant others/colleagues. How do you like to communicated with and how do you get your need to be communicated with in a certain way, across to the person you are involved with.
In the past, I've found reasons for not communicating were either I knew the answer and I didn't want to hear it (avoidance is a wonderful thing), I didn't care enough to really follow thru (ahh apathy, my good friend), I didn't want to appear being needy or weak (damn that being strong persona I've not perfected very well), or I didn't know how to bring up the subject, or I just didn't want to hurt the other person's feelings, so I'd end up punishing myself by suffering.
I'm not a great communicater because I am terrible with the spoken word, I just don't know how to bring up certain subjects...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
Last edited by maleficent; 04-20-2006 at 06:04 AM..