Sultana, co-dependant=enabler is more right than any definition that you will read. It's the person behind the one going to AA(or NA) feeding them their drug of choice. They do this because they believe that they're keeping the affected party happy, a la keeping the enabler content with themselves.
All in alll though, it seems to be a very vicious circle. I've fallen into the behavior of a co-dependent in a very bad relationship of mine. I've sturggled with myself for the past couple of years becuase said party was constantly pulling my emotional state. The only way for me to be happy was to make sure that my partner was happy. Learning the ways of life I've taken my life in my own hands, as well with my emotional being. Very difficult it is, surprisngly.
One very influential therapist that I've had made me realize that everyone around me was controlling me through my emotions. This equates to my own personal definition of co-dependency. Basically co-dependency is the opposite of dependency, but not the essence of independance. Confusing, no?