Originally Posted by JinnKai
Be careful still -- codependency is a shady idea to me, because it tends to emphasize that caring for another person makes you codependent (and by definition, bad). Technically speaking, simply caring about another person's feelings more than yours at any given time makes you codependent. As you clearly noted in that thread, it's a good thing; or it can be.
The difference between a caring person and codependent person is simple; if you care about others you are willing to take inconvenience on their part in order to make them happier. A codependent person, however, cannot be happy THEMSELVES until the other person is happy. I can be caring without placing my own self worth and emotions upon their happiness.
And you might like my smile, but I avoided commenting on what I liked in your Portraits thread because we know being concise is not one of my specialties.
Interesting cross-post! *smirk*
*chases JinnKai around the tree, tackles him to the ground and plops on top of him*
Some call it punishment, some call it...not punishment.