ok this will be in sevral
1: the cut on neos hand i beleive was simply a device to show that he is still human, silver has nothing to do with it
2: The Twins; all the pre-relese stuff refered to them as either "the twins" Or as "Viri" the pluar form of virus, this leads us to belive that they are viruses explaning the abultiy to move threw shit, altho this is a strong argument for them being ghosts. personaly i have no clue what they are
3: All the programs in the malovingins plcae are old programs from previos verisions of the matrix, they are also rouge programs (as far as i can tell)
Now i propose this question, Is Zion part of the matrix? what i gatherd form Neo's disscusion w/ the archatect is this, The Matix uses a contoller program to keep most citsens in line and to keep them unaware of the matrix, a small presentage of ppl cannot be contoled by the program. And one in particualr "the anomaly" AKA Neo, has supprior control over the matrix. this problem has been known of from Matrix 1.0 . what causes this ANomaly is human choice, witch cannot be predicted complaetly by a computer. So they created Zion, as a means of flussing out the anomaly and eventuial bringing about its (neo) end. Their for Zion is not this Great accomplishment of human ingenuity merly a device used by the architecht to dispose of the anomaly, this leads me to think that Zion is accualy IN the matrix, This is why neo could kill the sentnals near the end. Theprofound relisesation that He is STILL in the matrix is what couses neo's coma. Think about it this is the 2nd time that he has found out that "the real world" is infact a computer program.