I think we've allowed ourselves to be pushed into a corner with high expectations. Yes, I can enjoy sex without cumming. Can't explain it, but it's a pleasurable sensation that overcomes me even though I don't ejaculate. It's sort of a zen type of thing. I feel it, I sense it but I don't have to actually ejaculate. Unfortunately, women tend to measure their performance by whether or not we cum.
There's another side to this: while I don't mind being on the brink of cumming but never actually ejaculating---in other words, riding the "tide" as long as possible, the same can't actually be said for women---in general. Once she reaches that point, you've got to follow through and "bring her home" or else face the total frustration that inevitably follows. And this may be why women apply that same expectation to us, leading them to believe that we didn't receive any pleasure.
The key between you and your lady is open and honest communication. And by that, I don't mean the technical aspects of lovemaking. I mean the emotional pleasure, physical sensations and intimate feelings you experience when you are together. The most erotic organ in the body is the brain. Focus on that and everything else pretty much falls into place.
I'm going to be 48 in a couple weeks. The insights I'm sharing with you come as the result of going through my own periods of doubts. I don't think it's really a matter of age that affects sex. I think it's a matter of age giving us a different perspective on sex. I think some of us understand that and can take it to the next level while others of us are forever trapped in the juvenile fantasies of physical pleasure as opposed to true sensual pleasure.
Enjoy the ride.