Contraceptives won't help you. Even if you had started them immediately after your last period it's likely you'd still have spotting and some cramping at your normal period time. It takes time for your body to adjust to the pill.
The situation that you fear - I had it happen.
The first semester of my senior year we were taking finals. I made it till 2 day left before it hit but I was miserable. I got about halfway through my Teaching U.S. History Exam and couldn't manage any further. I was getting dizzy and felt terribly miserable. I went to my professor halfway through my exam and asked if I could be dismissed as I was not feeling well. He took one look at my white face and told me to come to his office tomarrow if I was feeling better to finish the exam. I got back to my desk and when I leaned over to get my bag I passed out. Ended up in the school nurses office and in bed for the rest of the day. It was terribly embarrassing. I was able to go back to my professors office the next day to take the test. He told me to go back and change any answers that I felt I needed to since he believed I might not have done as well as I could have considering how poorly I had felt. It was a male teacher and he KNEW what had been my problem but he barely alluded to it. It was handled professionally and politely.
Unless you are prone to fainting my advice would be. Stock up on the aleve, tampons and whatever else you need. Get one of those heat patches that are designed to help menstral cramps. They are discreet and really do help quite a lot. Keep your fingers crossed and do your best. If you get to an exam and feel terribly THEN go to your teacher and ask for an extension because you are not feeling well. OR as in my college's policy- you had to have a school nurses or a Dr's excuse, in that case - you might need to call them before it's time for the exams. I wouldn't recommend going to the teachers beforehand but it's not an idea without merit.
Do the contraceptives if YOU want to. Don't worry about what anyone else says. Sheesh if you're in college still (and not graduating this spring) and you have a boyfriend - you better not be having sex or you better be on the pill. Too many college careers have been run off the tracks by pregnancy. It's your future you need to watch out for. If your boyfriend does not want you on the pill then he better be prepared to go without sex or maybe get left in the dust.
I wish you the best of luck.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.