Well, Redlemon, that's not really a group of issues, per se. MANY things, when used in ways they are not intended, are bad for you.
Nitrous Oxide (also dinitrogen monoxide) - used to make patients unconscious for surgery (for over 150 years).
Paraffin - The VAST majority of candles use paraffin wax as their base. Burning them would be detrimental if there was a serious carcinogen issue as carcinogens are usually MUCH more present in smoke (post-burn) than at stable room temperature. Also, you breath candle smoke more than you touch the candle, usually.
Chlorhexadine - Used in sntibacterials handsoaps. According to various Hazmat safety sheets, roughly 0.1% of people appear sensitive to it.
Lidocaine - Used in MANY topical creams and sprays, both over the counter (OTC) and perscription.
Let's skip a few
Cancer in Animals - Well, this is one that you always need to take with salt either way. Saccharine and Aspartame were shown to cause cancer in rats a decade or two ago, and hence diet pop had warning labels on it (or any food containing them). More recent review of the data and current studies show this is not truly the case. That for it to be "toxic" it would be the equivalent of a human drinking 12-14 liters of diet soda a day. If you drank that much of most things, including water, your body would react negatively.
The lesson in this? Personally, I'm anti-chemical. But not all chemicals are always bad, and not all natural things are good at all. Educating yourself is very important regarding stuff like this. There are more toxins in a grilled steak or piece of chicken (or even grilled tofu) than there probably are in a single dose of lubricant (I'm making an educated guess here) since the meat itself has chemicals (even organic meats, even soy products, even vegetables) that are not native to the human body. Also, the grilling carbonizes portions and makes them mildly toxic as well... which is actually the part that makes grilling things tasty. *shrug*
In the end, using things the way they are meant to be used are generally safe(ish). I don't recommend lighting your cigarette off a burning tire. :-p