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Old 04-12-2006, 06:18 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Location: New England
Originally Posted by Daniel_
That is totally NOT true.

My company manufactures a personal lubricant product that is sold as a registered medical device, for use in the vagina - and the antibacterial ingredients within it are approved for skin use, but not for food use.

You cannot assume that just because you can safely swoosh it up your wazoo you can gulp the stuff down. At a very basic level, consider this: skin acidity is neutral, stomach acidity is high, so there may be chemical breakdowns of ingredients in your gut that are not present in your vagina/anus. Also - if the preservatives kill all of your gut flora, you're going to increase your chances of getting a nasty case of the runs.

Here endeth the safety warning.
Very interesting. Do you want to plug your product? I think the information would be appreciated.

I did a little searching. On Wikipedia it says "The carboxymethyl groups present in the substance mean it has an effect similar to nitrous oxide when ingested. " For what that is worth. I'd keep my mouth away, based on that.

Also, on the page Dangerous Toxic Chemicals - Condom Lubricants - Health Report, we get the following lovely list:
Nonoxynol 9: Poison by intraperitoneal route. Mutation data reported. When heated to decomposition, it emits acrid smoke and fumes (HC, p. 958).
Parrafin: Possible carcinogen with experimental tumorigenic data by implant route. (HC, p. 982; HOP, p. 212).
Chlorhexidine: Mildly toxic by ingestion. Skin irritant. Mutation data reported (HC, p. 167).
Lidocaine: Poison by ingestion and subcutaneous routes. Excitement, hallucinations, distorted perceptions, changes in heart rate, and dyspnea. Anaesthetic rapidly absorbed by mucous membranes. Excessive doses may cause methemoglobinemia (HC, p. 439; HOP, p.341.)
Mineral oil/petrolatum: A human teratogen that causes testicular tumors in the fetus. Inhalation of vapor or particles can cause pneumonia. Possibly produces gastrointestinal tumors. Deposits accumulate in the lymphnodes and dissolves and prevents the absorption of vitamin A from the intestines (HC, p. 885; HOP. p. 206, 410.)
Polyethylene glycol: Moderately toxic. Eye irritant. Possible carcinogen and flammable. Many glycols produce severe acidosis, central nervous system damage, and congestion (HC, p. 1053; HOP, pp. 193-195.)
Sodium borate: A.K.A. borax. Toxic to all cells. Prolonged absorption casues anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and anemia (HOP, p. 396).
Propylene glycol: Slightly toxic. Causes convulsions, mutations, and surface EEG changes (HC, p. 1086).
Carboxymethylcellulose, hydroxymethylcellulose, polyscorbate 60: The first of these compounds has been shown to cause cancer in animals. Used in cosmetics, inhalation of these products could cause chemical pneumonitis. Bodily implantation of these substances will cause foreign body [antibody] reaction (HOP, p. 308).
Triethanolamine: Moderately toxic by ingestion. Liver and kidney damage has been demonstrated in animals from chronic exposure. Possible carcinogen (HC, p. 1273).
Methylparaben, propylparaben: Close chemical cousins of benzoic acid. Poisonous and moderately toxic. An allergen. Causes dyspnea and allergic dermatitis (HC. pp. 132, 695, 702).

Granted, high doses may be required to produce the effects listed for some of these compounds but some, like mineral oil and petrolatum, are used in high doses in lubricants already. Beyond that, what are the effects of chronic, but low, exposure over time? How much overtime does the immune system have to work to remove these unnatural substances from the body, if they can be removed at all?
Ew. I'm a little skeeved out right now.
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