Instinctual Fears of Humans...
Although I'm not exactly certain what, if anything, it means, I learned tonight that humans have only three instinctual fears.
They are:
1) Fear of the Dark
2) Fear of Falling
3) Fear of Reptiles
As far as the instinctual fear of the dark is concerned, when I was very young, I always rationalized that if in fact there were creatures of the night out to get me in the dark, If I couldn't see them in the dark, they certainly couldn't see me in the dark.
Regarding the fear of falling, I have nearly a perfect example. One of my earliest childhood memories was being in my crib, and wanting out. I remember climbing up so that I was able to climb over the railing, but being afraid of falling off once I climbed over. The fear was so great, I stayed inside the crib.
Although I can't personally remember any instances where the instinctual fear of reptiles has come into play in my life, I do find it interesting that most society's look at the deviants (serial killers and the like) as cold blooded. Perhaps this ties in? Additionally, nearly every ancient culture had a myth regarding a reptilian monster - dragons, sea serpants, etc. Coincidence? Or our instinctual fears manifesting themselves in myths and legends?
I don't suppose this thread has any real point in it, except to maybe see if anyone else is willing to share stories regarding these fears, but nonetheless, I found the information rather intrigueing and thought I would share...
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...