Originally Posted by Sage
If it's water based, then there's no issue with injesting it...
But why would you want to? Lubes that aren't designed to be injested taste like a combination of mineral oil and a grocery bag from Safeway. Wash it off all soapy and sensual like, then have your tounge exercise!
That is totally NOT true.
My company manufactures a personal lubricant product that is sold as a registered medical device, for use in the vagina - and the antibacterial ingredients within it are approved for skin use, but not for food use.
You cannot assume that just because you can safely swoosh it up your wazoo you can gulp the stuff down. At a very basic level, consider this: skin acidity is neutral, stomach acidity is high, so there may be chemical breakdowns of ingredients in your gut that are not present in your vagina/anus. Also - if the preservatives kill all of your gut flora, you're going to increase your chances of getting a nasty case of the runs.
Here endeth the safety warning.