Everyone else has said to go to a lawyer and that's the best advice I could give too.
My brother was investigating some of the child custody laws last summer when he was separated from his wife. I thought of him when I read this and wondered - if she does have to have someone else adopt then instead of doing that couldn't she possibly simply file for custody? It wouldn't completely terminate his rights but at least she would be the primary caregiver and he would have less say in what school the child went to, what Dr they went to, etc. She wouldn't have to consult him for everything. Also did she list him as the father on the birth certificate? If not, then from what I've heard (I have little knowledge of this subject but was told this when I filled out my daughter's birth certificate) that if there is no father listed then the would be father has to prove paternity before they can enforce their parental rights. If he is not motivated enough to help and is avoiding the mother than it's possible he would never be motivated enough to try to prove his paternity. Who knows. I'm just rambling but maybe these are some other questions she could ask a lawyer.
If she is not confident in her current lawyer, whether he is correct or not, she should get a second opinion at least. Her current lawyer should be able to at least look up the law that he's referring to and show it to her. If she has any doubts she needs to find a lawyer she trusts.
Also - I have been able to find a lot of state laws listed online. She, or you could at least look it up and see what you find. When you find anything you could approach her lawyer or another lawyer to confirm that what you find was correct. You're not completely relying on the internet but yet you are able to remove all doubt as to what the laws are by double checking it.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
Last edited by raeanna74; 04-04-2006 at 05:40 AM..