Parental Rights Question
I wasn't quite sure if I should put this in the parenting thread or the living thread, but if it needs moved let me know or thanks to whoever.
I have a friend who has a 3 month old little boy. She was never married to the father and never had a serious relationship with him either. She told him of the pregnancy and he hasn't helped her at all with anything then or now. She has contacted him a few times but he seems to be avoiding her as much as possible. She is wanting to have him terminate his rights as a parent. She does not want his help and hasn't asked for it. She is worried that he might decide to have some part in the child's life later and she does not want that. Her lawyer told her she has to have someone else adopt her son to make the father terminate his rights.
I do not believe this is true. I told her this but she wants proof. I'm not sure the exact question she asked her lawyer so I'm trying to explain to the best of my knowledge. I can't find much information for her sitiation and what I've found online says there has to be proof the father has not helped during pregnancy or with contact or support to the child after it is born and his rights can be terminated. I've been struggling for information because most of the articles are out there are under divorced or adoption sections. And most of the actual laws written out are too confusing for me. Can someone help clarify any of this for me and my friend? She'd love actual documents or copies of them for her lawyer too. Thanks!
If there is anything I need to explain more or that I've left out let me know.
Cain: I know what you're doing. I've lead troops into battle before.
DG: And, how am I doing?
Cain: Well, there's less *hugging* when I do it