I like this one, pricey but proven and a pretty nice package. At $11,495 I hope you are expecting a large tax refund. Let me know when you can give me a ride.
World Products 572 C.I.D. 725 HP Merlin Crate EnginesBig cubic inches for your ride.
These World Products 572 c.i.d. 725 hp Merlin crate engines combine World Castings' engine-casting wizardry with some of the biggest names in high performance. The result is dyno-proven horsepower in a big cubic inch engine. The crate engines include the following components and features:
* World Castings Merlin III 4-bolt main engine block
* Forged 4340 crankshaft with a 4.500 in. stroke
* Forged 4340 connecting rods
* Forged pistons, 4.500 in. bore diameter
* Piston rings
* Rod, main, and camshaft bearings
* True roller timing chain
* Mechanical camshaft with lifters
* Merlin rectangular-port aluminum assembled cylinder heads
* Chromemoly pushrods
* Roller rocker arms
* Merlin aluminum intake manifold
* Merlin stamped steel valve covers
* Hardcore 1,050 cfm carburetor
* HEI distributor with 8mm spark plug wires and plugs
* CNC steel harmonic balancer
* 6 qt. steel oil pan
* High-volume oil pump
* Full engine gasket set
* Assembled and internally balanced
* Dyno sheet of actual horsepower