my 2 cents.
There is no such thing as a part time alcoholic. You either are not an alcoholic or you are.
Alcoholics have a sickness which causes them to drink. They can't 'cut back'. I have a friend who is in denial of his alcoholism and thinks that he has it under control... he does not. There might be different types of it, dependent, co-dependent etc. But if when you start drinking you cannot stop, don't want to stop, don't care about stopping then you have a drinking problem and need to address it.
If you are concerned about your drinking then now is the time sto cut it out of your life. The health risks greatly outweigh any fun you have drinking. You might not be waking up naked in strange beds now, but who can tell if you won't if you continue to drink.
I used to be a heavy drinker as well considering where I spent most of my time. My Grandfathers were both re-occuring alcoholics (would drink heavily, stop but then always return to it) and I have close relatives who drink heavily and have problems with substance abuse. So I decided that I didn't want to run the risk of letting myself get out of control and now hardly ever drink at all. If you're family is filled with heavy drinkers then it probably means they're all alcholics as well but just not really openly saying it to you. You can't really know how it's effected their relationships in the privacy of their lives or work.
I think a good thing to try is to stop drinking all together for a long period of time, like a few months and see if you can do it. If you find yourself breaking your little, no booze for 30 days then it seems to me clearly that you have a problem with booze.
Then I would see a doctor or specialist about ways to beat it for a long healthy life
"A real leader faces the music, even if he doesn't like the tune." - unknown quote