Just to put my comments into context - I live in England, I've lived in other places too (where people, including me drank far more) and I've had my fair share of nights out in Newcastle too - but right now I live in England, and I don't mind admitting that I still tend to drink more than the next person - as and when I feel like it. I know my limits, and most of the time, I stick to them.
But I have friends, and I have had friends who always wanted more. One of them now is unable to steady his hands without having a drink 1st thing in the morning - he's 32 years old. He, like me, always enjoyed a good night out. We must have gotten drunk together thousands of times. But often, he'd want to stay for 'just one more drink' - when it was obvious we'd all had quite enough. We all used to say that he 'just liked a drink' as did we all. But he's in real trouble now. Real trouble. Another friend couldn't get into work until he'd drunk a half bottle of vodka. He was a really great guy, until he had too much to drink - which he nearly always did - at which point he turned into an asshole.
Everyone likes a drink - we all enjoy the liberating effects of alcohol in the system. But if you're one of those people who is putting the drink first, and getting <b>too</b> drunk, then you <b>are</b> on the first steps of alcoholism. Tread very, very, carefully.
Getting too drunk is either a problem of not knowing your own limits, or not sticking to them. Either way it is a problem. It doesn't matter what name you attach to it. It is still a serious, health-threatening and life-damaging problem.
mayaj needs to realise that this is serious - and decide for herself that she is going to set her own limits - and stick to them.
From the point of view of holding down a relationship, it is really embarrasing being romantically involved with someone who can't hold their drink. It hurts when your partner turns into someone else over the course of an evening. It really hurts. It puts a strain on a relationship when one person is forced to look after the other one all the time - and never recieve any acknowledgement because the other person is always too drunk to know what they put their partner through. Again that hurts. It's a lonely life when you get home after a night out with friends and your partner is too drunk to know what they are doing. In short, it hurts to be with someone like this. And you end up sitting in your armchair at 1am, looking with contempt at the comatose sack of flesh you've dragged home once more after the nth time of drama and embarrasment and abuse and you start to wonder whether it's really worth the effort. You really do.