Have you ever stuck around and watched someone else get drunk? It's disgusting. I've had friends and relationships with people who felt comfortable enough with me to drink themselves into a drunken state - and yes, that always wanting one more was exactly what they were like. I hated them when they were like that. I really did. Obnoxious, self-centred assholes the lot of them. And yet, when they were sober, they were perfectly normal, lovable human beings.
Change now - because what you're not aware of (or at least only now becoming aware of) is exactly how contemptable people are when they've had too many drinks. Yes it will ruin your relationships. After enough relationships have been thrown away, and age starts taking away your looks, you will have nothing except the drink to comfort you - THAT's the stage that we normally label people as alcoholics - the no-hopers for whom it's too late.
Want to find a limt? Find a place where you have had enough? The answer is to either measure yourself physically or mentally. I used to say that if I wasn't able to stand at a bar without wobbling - then I had drunk too much and it was time to go home. That was still probably too much. I'm sure you can think of a point where you believe you've had enough - and stick to it. Remember, most people hate a drunk. Most people will hate you, when you are drunk. That's loved ones, friends, aquaintances - anyone you're likely to meet.
I'm not holding back on these words, because they are the truth. If you don't like the truth, then consider finding your own limit.