I would try to get down to the root cause of why you like drinking so much - it obviously isn't for emotionally healthy reasons. Are you drinking to deal with sadness or depression? To relieve yourself from boredom? Why? It's good that you are reaching out because it means you recognize that you have a problem.
If you are borderline alcoholic, now is the time to act. The longer you wait, the deeper it will grow and you could seriously hurt yourself or the ones you love in the end. Look into attending your local AA meetings, the program really works for a lot of people. You'll probably have to quit drinking cold turkey, or at least until you are able to regulate your drinking better (which could be months, or years from now, or never). Definitely make an appointment with your doctor and tell them everything. You'll need a support system to kick the habit, no matter how much you try and convince yourself you can do it alone. Best of luck to you, I know you can do it.