There are many directions to take that Roachboy afforded us in his OP. My one functioning neuron suggests that I begin with my own impressions, with the hope that continued discussion clarifies my thoughts.
I was reminded of a similar discussion that was started by Powerclown several months ago so I bumped "Iraq: Positive Developments" for anyone interested in reviewing it. Some viewed the intention of the thread as a negation of the many things going awry in Iraq, and perhaps considered it "propaganda." Others saw the same information and applauded seeing something other than "doom and gloom." Remarkably, the topic evolved to a level of respectful discussion and I learned a great deal from the many intelligent posts made there.
I think whether one views reports of positive outcomes as good news vs. manipulation, depends to some degree on the level of trust placed on the source of the news. In this specific instance, I trusted Powerclown's stated intentions and I was well rewarded with the content provided. By the same token, I do not give credence to information from a source that I do not trust.
Roachboy's discussion points specifically address war time manipulation of the media by the government, but at this time I would like to address our mainstream media generally. I ceased to watch broadcast news about a decade ago because of the "if it bleeds, it leads" focus of those programs. Recently I was staying with a friend who required the TV as a diversion and if I were to judge my community based upon what was reported, I would flee to a cave in the mountains. If a horrific image was available, it was shown over and over again. (i.e. some asshole threw acid on a dog)
I have to ask myself if this unimportant bit of "bad" news replaced something more positive and of greater relevance to our community? Our national broadcast news appears to take a negative focus as well.
My current thinking is that we need more positive news, if there is any to be had. War news is a trickier devil, but it would be necessary to me to have confidence in the source, whether the news was critical or positive.
Do I trust news from the Lincoln Group? No.