I'm kinda having warmer and fuzzier than usual feelings about my car lately so I figured I'd share some thoughts on it and get any comments/feedback from other interested TFP car nuts ...or just look and listen if you prefer.
I've already mentioned in various TFP posts that I have a '95 Supra turbo but I have never posted about it except maybe a long time ago in a "what do you drive" thread.
But the longer I own this car the more I like it and I started out liking it a lot ...so by now I'm practically in love

In spite of my occasional hard driving, nothing has ever gone wrong with it and I almost feel guilty just changing the oil and putting gas in it. A testament to Toyota reliability even at the high performance level.
I bought it used just over 6 years ago (believe it or not it was before F&F was even in our vocabulary ...ahhh the good ole days...) when it had under 35k miles and was pure stock and in excellent condition. Within the first year I did a set of "routine" mods to it called "BPU" in Supra lingo, basic performance upgrades. A couple months later I dyno'd it at 435rwhp/455ftlbs rwtq which still feels pretty healthy. I still run the stock twin turbos in sequential mode, even on road course events I do a few times a year, and they spool up so fast I hardly know they're turbos ...excellent throttle response and plenty of low end torque and power.
Even though my stock turbos are still working very well and seem healthy, for the next couple weeks I'm collecting some new parts to convert to a larger but still smallish for a Supra single turbo setup, with additional supporting hardware, which will put it just over 500whp at "road race track tune" and if I crank it up on race gas it will probably be a tad over 600whp. Many who don't know this car might be skeptical, but even at that level I expect it to run perfectly reliably practically indefinitely. Add that to my love list
Since I was recently working on these pics, here's a couple to give you a look. One is just me standing behind my car at a local meet; the other is my car at the top of the Phila Art Museum steps sort of ala Rocky and I just edited out a couple people's heads that were sticking over the steps to clean up the shot.