Budding Alcoholic
I am 26 years old and have been a moderately heavy drinker since high school. My parents and siblings are heavy drinkers, in fact, most people in my family are. I think my parents could be described as functional alcoholics in that I've seen them sloppy drunk more than a few times but it doesn't affect their work at all or their relationships (all that much). I have always been a bit of a party girl and even took pride in my ability to drink colossal amounts of alchohol and outlast the rest of the guys. However, now that I want to start curbing my drinking I am realizing that I may have less control over it than I previously thought. In relationships I've usually taken a lot of flack from my boyfriends for drinking but never took them very seriously because I didn't care. I enjoyed partying very much and thought they were a little prusdish and controlling. However, now that I am in a serious relationship with someone I love I find that I can't stop drinking even for him. If we go out with our friends I reach a point where I can't be persuaded to go home. After finishing a bottle of wine, beer or drink I always want "just one more." I didn't used to black out but now parts of the evenings are starting to become hazy and I have started remembering things incorrectly or even making stuff up that didn't happen. I don't drink much alone and I certainly don't get drunk alone but this is starting to affect my health. I have hangovers for 2 days and sometimes even get rashes from going on benders. After a particulary sauced Saturday night my boyfriend was so mad at me that I was shocked. Shocked because I've done stupid drunk things in the past (nothing too terrible) but as far as I was concerned I thought I had behaved relatively normally. He told me I couldn't even walk and I realized I couldn't remember coming home.
I don't want to quit drinking. I really really enjoy it. I would hate to become a full blown alcoholic, if only because it would mean that I would have to quit cold turkey. However, I need to find a way to cut down. My health is suffering as well as my career and relationship. It seems like after 1 drink I'm OK but after 3 or 4 drinks I lose the ability to say no to alcohol and want to drink till I explode. Does anyone have practical tips on how to cut down? My body and life can't keep up with my drinking any more . . .