my gf and i dated for 4 years , that was untill almost 4 months ago when she ended it, we had alot of fights which i guess led to this break up.
Although i take alot of the blame for the break up , she had her share of faults too. She told me she doesnt want to do anything wiht me anymore . But , about 2 weeks ago she calls me with a blocked id. So i pick up and its her , so we talk for about two hours just about life n stuff.
After the phone call i got really confused , i didnt know what to do. i found out that before she called me she had spoken to my sister and she was crying and everything on how she just needed time and now she misses me alot. And she doesnt think i can change if we get back together. So i decided to call her and hear from her what was going on.
I ended up going over to her house. She was all nice hugging me and kissing me on my cheeks and being all cute and shit. I didnt know what to take from the situation , so i asked her what shes trying to do and if were getting back together and stuff , as usual i got the " when i think about it its not a good idea ". she is scared that if we get back together it'll be the same thing again and she doesnt want to break up again. and she says to me "im not syaing never ". And, when i confronted her about the phone call to my sister , she said that she said those things but she didnt know why she felt that way!!!!
So i dont know what the hell is going on. I dont know what i have to do or what she wants me to do . I still love her and i know she does too . Ive never been in this situation before . I mean ive broken up with gfs before but none of them i had dated for this long . Has anyone been in a situation like this who can maybe give me some advice ?? i am just so confused and stressed out !!!