Stay in school. Try a few different majors. (Maybe try a leave of absence.)
There is a very good chance that completing a degree will only get more difficult the longer you wait. Life happens, getting married happens, having kids happens, gaining a mortgage happens. All of these things, and more, will make it more difficult for you to return to school.
I dropped out of college when I was 20 years old. By the time I was 35 I realized that I had progressed as far as I possibly could, I my career path, without my degree. It took me until I was 38 to complete my Bachelors degree. That was over two years of hell working full time and going to school full time. I couldn’t afford to stop working……. I often asked myself, “Why didn’t I just stick with it when I was 20? It was so easy back then.”
I've learned to embrace my inner Geek.
I haven't found anything else I'm good at.