Thread: Clean My Shoes
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Old 03-20-2006, 01:18 AM   #5 (permalink)
itch vaccine
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Location: on my spinning computer chair
Originally Posted by shakran
next time, don't use water. Use a stick to scrape off most of it, then a damp cloth to finish the job.

By your description your shoes are already soaked in fecalwater. You're not going to ruin them much more by sticking them in the washer. I'd probably toss 'em in the washer on the most gentle setting and hope fort he best.

Nope, washing machine shouldn't hurt a bit

I throw my shoes into the washer all the time, of course, laces off, they might turn out a lil messed up if you have the laces on.

It is fabric after all, and washing machine is for fabric, yeah?
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