Umm...How do I clean drunk female urine out of my passenger seat? :x
I was at a coworker/friends house last night when our boss called him saying something like "Dude, Theyre takin us to jail...come get my truck".
So we got to the bar him and his girlfriend were at and she was passed out drunk on the porch of the they stuck her in my jeep.
I'm thinking "fuck... she's going to puke in my center console" (which has no lid)
I got her to her house without major incident, I thought....
We got her out of the jeep and she had pee'ed on my seat
How the hell do I clean it?
Do I get it steam cleaned and hand him a bill? (He did say he'd pay for it...)
Raoul Duke:
"I wouldn't dare go to sleep with you wandering around with a head full of acid, wanting to slice me up with that goddamn knife."
Dr. Gonzo:
"Who said anything about slicing you up, man. I just wanted to cut a little Z in your forehead."