1. Choose a band/artist: Ratt
2. Are you female or male: She Wants Money
3. Describe yourself: Dangerous but worth the risk
4. How do some people feel about you: I'm Insane
5. How do you feel about yourself: What you give is what you get
6. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Shame, Shame, Shame
7. Describe current boyfriend/girlfriend: Way Cool Jr
8. Describe where you want to be: Back for More
9. Describe how you live: The Scene of the Crime
10. Describe how you love: Give it All
11. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: All or Nothing
12. Share a few words of wisdom: Nobody Rides For Free
13. Where do you live: 7th Avenue
14. Now say goodbye: Live for today
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!