Originally Posted by Daoust
My personal experience. My wife had a tear after she gave birth, and she didn't let it heal properly, and our sex life has suffered ever since. She tore the stitches and it healed up wrong and caused scar tissue... We couldn't have sex for SIX MONTHS after our daughter was born. Six months. After that time sex became painful, awkward, difficult, and very infrequent. Still today, 2 and a half years after she gave birth, she finds intercourse very difficult. Now, the doctor says after our second one is born they can do some corrective surgery to heal the scarring left from the previous birth. I don't know how or if it will work, but I'm praying it does....
Anyway, thats my story. Sorry if its all doom and gloom...
My wife had similar problems with tearing. It was not for lack of care/concern, but because she was straining at the stool. Straining causes the muscles to tear the flesh, and the tears heal in a haphazard/jagged fashion, creating scarring.
My advise to your wife would be to:
1) Avoid caffine, and all other diuretics, as these will harden the stool, making it more difficult to pass.
2) Eat lots of organic fibre. High fibre cereal, and leafy and green vegies, like broccoli. (Experience taught wife it worked best.) OTC fibre products tended to be only marginally effective, and therefore require taking in MASSIVE amounts in order to work.
3) Avoid laxatives, as they are physiologicaly addictive.
4) Drink LOTS of water, and juices. Prune juice is best, but few people can tolerate the taste. I would suggest grape or cran juice.
5) Have a bm as frequently as possible. The longer she waits, the worse it is.
It should also be noted here that anal fisures/vaginal tears are EXTREMELY painful. Watching my wife go through agony every time she went to the bathroom for a year...Not fun. for anyone.