I personally think a bit of Biblical wisdom is helpful in raising children: "train up a child in they way they should go." The implication is that we will teach them what we believe is the right way. Teach, not leave them to form their own opinions.
I'm sure not everyone will agree. But in many areas you already do this. Do you allow the child to make up their mind what medicines to play with and try out that you have in the medicine cabinet? Would you let your child follow through with the decision that playing in the middle of a busy road sounds like a great way to get a cheap thrill? We can imagine a variety or situations and decisions where we would be negligent as parents if we didn't properly train the child.
So, too, I think with values and opinions. And some times it's valuable simply watching what the child has already "caught" simply from being in our presence. Some time too revealing: we may not like the influence we're having on them! Or we might see an opinion come out of them which we suspect came from watching us, and then we have to re-evaluate our self [ie: wow, that was a pretty nasty thing to say, but now that I think of it, I must be the source... Do I really think and believe THAT?]
I hope you understand my meaning.
So I would encourage you to train up the child as you think is right. I think for most people a mature ability to think, process, meditate, reason and opine takes many, many years [many more than 9, surely].
But that in part is why parents are there.