Originally Posted by Ustwo
The key to understanding liberalism I found in one sentance by Frank Herbert (author of Dune etc).
Scratch a liberal find a closet aristocrat.
Amoung liberal 'thinkers' I've never found this to be wrong.
How fucking rude. (sp. Sentence, Among)
But to the point in hand - stevo, you are right of course. You should approach all the media you're presented with, with some level of distrust - wherever it comes from, and from whoever's mouth it comes from.
When you ask who to believe - the answer should be not to lay your trust entirely in any one place. Every person is an individual - to say that all foreigners love Americans is just as incorrect to say that all foreigners hate Americans. Sometimes a story will put your country and its people in a good light, and sometimes your country and its people will be put in a bad light. Both stories might be just as true as one another. Or false. Pretty straightforward really.
This is why blind nationalism is dangerous (just as dangerous as blind anti-nationalism, or however you decide to label it) and wrapping yourself in the country's flag will make you look just as foolish as wrapping yourself in anyone else's.