Well, if the Matrix taught us anything, it's that computer systems are, by definition, built around a set of rules. The line of RPGs that follows the D&D mindset (specific classes get specific skillsets and you can only level up within those specific skillsets) are easier to work with in a computer system because they're much more rule-based. You can itemize with specific classes in mind. You can create encounters knowing that specific classes are going to be around.
Dunno if any of you ever played table-tops, but the Shadowrun system is a far more organic approach to the whole question of character creation and class. If they made an SR MMO it'd be too amazing for words, but it'd be amazingly complicated to put such a thing together, since about the only limit you'd have on character development is how much time people are willing to put into characters. It's an interesting thought, it's also much more difficult to design and effectively implement.