Well let me sum up my feelings on the matter since I'm sure they look more skewed than they really are as I was arguing specific points and not my whole view.
So I believe we definitely need to get rid of these bad lessons, open the games up to creativitiy, (all the stuff that's been gone over) etc. I don't however, believe we should be trying to teach a set of life lessons in a specific sense, just the overall good things like encouraging skill and free choice (within the game.) As Fross has pointed out trying to do much beyond that and we get a Disney experience many may not enjoy or subscribe to. I don't believe we or the government should go kill blizzard for wanting to make money, I believe in educating people so that they may make their own valid decisions and vote with their money.
So no, robbdn, I don't want it changed for children's benefits, I want it changed for society's benefits.
And I don't think the best MMO ever made is WoW just because it got a lot of subscribers. Art is not dependent on how many people like it for it to be good. And yes, I know, one could argue the purpose of one is to make money and the other for its own sake. I have an opinion on why this isn't so for MMOs but its not important enough to go into here. Of course subjective, but my personal favorite is CoH/CoV.