Originally Posted by absorbentishe
Wait and see. Give it another week or two before taking any tests.
BTW. My wife was/is bulimic/anorexic. This is something she's struggled with for years and years. She's seen all kinds of counselors, etc. It is not something to take lightly, it will be in your relationship for a long time. If you want to talk more, pm me and I'll be glad to speak with you about this.
I'm sorry, but I don't agree at all. Waiting those extra weeks can potentially limit the choices that she has or is willing to make. It is just an over the counter pregnancy test. The waiting and the stress of not knowing could also cause her harm. If she is bulemic, she already probably has some esophageal and gastero- damage; stress can add to that damage and turn into a whole new problem.
Don't take chances with her continued health. Just buy an over the counter test. There is no shame, nobody is going to judge. Just make the right decision whether or not you're afraid.