Originally Posted by sadistikdreams
Okay, maybe I should given you some more backround.
She is in treatment for the eating disorders, and I'm very supportive of it all.
This problem is kind of tearing us apart, which is why I don't really want to ask her to take a pregnancy test. We're basically trying to just wait it out, and see if she does go back on her period.
What I guess I should've asked, was which side do I have more evidence for? From the evidence, is there more of a chance that she is pregnant? Or is there more evidence to think that she isnt?
Busybody answer here:
If she is indeed pregnant, waiting will eventually limit your choices.
If she is indeed pregnant, with her health history, she should start pre-natal care sooner rather than later, which means eating correctly, and vitamins, etc, if she does indeed want to go forward with the pregnancy.
If not knowing is tearing you guys apart... find out... What's her hesitation in not wanting to take the test -- afraid of what the results will be? Better to find out sooner rather than later... and then she can relax a little.