The 17th was 17 days ago. I don't think anyone gets morning sickness in just 2.5 weeks.
There are other signs, if you don't want to push the pregnancy test. Nipples will be darker and continuously darken over the next few weeks. Breasts might poof a bit, specially if she's small to start with, you'll notice a change in size and/or shape. Labia might get darker and thicker over time. Walk will change, even this early as ligaments loosen. Emotions may be like a roller coaster gone mad. Crying over commercials, that sort of thing. Exhaustion is common very early-she'll nap every chance she gets. These are the earliest non-test signs of pregnancy but they can be signs of anything(except the nipple color-that's a dead giveaway)
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.