I think that there is a confusion here. To my mind (and from accounts I have read), porn sets bear little relationship to real sexual exncounter.
In other words, it's a job. The stars just have to perform for the cameras, then leave. Sure they enjoy it (some more than others), but the point is that the professional sexual history and personal sexual history are, from an intellectual perspective, disjoint.
The real factor for this is in the fact that the determining factor for the male star was (and to a lesser extent, is still) ability to remain erect in a too cold outdoor/too hot indoor set while sound checks, cameramen and assistant directors as well as a horde of other people watch or eat or whatever.
Well, that's my impression, anyway.
As for the definition of bisexual, well, in this case I would say someone who is sexually attracted to both genders. Not necessarily both equally. Social principle places men's sexual practice under a spotlight that makes any hint of homosexuality a salacious scandal, while lesbianism continues to be the "stealth-orientation", largely ignored in reality, apart from the occasional scandal shot.
Women are permitted to be more sexually liberal in terms of orientation, because lesbians are not seen as a real orientation, while the penetrative nature of male homosexual relations make them a far deeper taboo.
Man Alone
Abstainer: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure.
Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary.