Originally Posted by Fob_Magi
If he has been diagnosed with schizophrenia (which I assume he has if his doctor gave him medicine for it), all of these things may be complete fabrications or exaggerations of reality. Schizophrenics often have no clue between what is real and what is in their heads (imagine living in a non-stop dream, quite often a nightmare)… so he may have been raped by these 4 people, or it may have just been 1 or it may have been none…
a guy I knew got schizophrenia and he saw people chasing him wherever he went, every story on the news was about him.. they were always coming for him.. coming to take him… coming to burn/kill/shoot/execute him… he had to go thru several different medications to get something that made him stable…
It’s a very serious illness that can destroy a very competent intelligent person…. If this is the case, try and be there for him and make sure he is going to the doctor often and telling the doctor EVERYTHING… somebody has to keep him on track or he may self-destruct.
Co-sign. On the surface, from a person who is otherwise normal, the story sounds far-fetched - all these people conspiring to sexually assault him and give him deadly illnesses, etc. What are the odds?
For a schizophrenic person, however, it is very conceivable they would actually believe this happened to them. It is one of the saddest things to see happen to a person that illness is.
Read up on the illness, and if that is indeed what your friend has, be ready for two things:
1) The roughest ride you may ever have in terms of watching a friend suffer uncontrollably.
2) Be ready to offer whatever support you can to your friend and his family, because, having seen it happen, it's simply horrible and only the strongest survive it with a lot of support from their friends.
good luck.