Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Certainly I agree that, as long as people are free to leave, then any adult who wishes to live in such a place is welcome to. The only allowance is that a child shall not be allowed to be brought up under these restrictions. If an adult wants to deny themselves freedoms allowed within the constitution I would say that they are welcome to. Clearly a child does not have this choice or power.
I think as long as there is an understanding that no one under the 18 will live in this township, and that any child born in the township will be taken into foster care unless the parents will remove the family unit... then it is valid and acceptable.
This is going to be one of the rare times I agree wtih you completely. I'll go as far as to say that raising any child in any religion is negligent and unethical, but I'm never going to convince anyone of that who doesn't already agree with me.