My best friend is in trouble; not sure what to do.
I am not going to use any names, because I assume they don't visit this site or at least don't know who I am, and this isn't open court, so they have the right to their privacy.
About a week ago, my best friend told me that he was raped by his sister's father, his aunt, and his grandma on multiple occasions througought his life. He said it lasted from when he was a baby up until high school. He is still very young, but I won't give his age for privacy reasons. He has filed a police report against his sister's father, but not his aunt or grandma. Reason being is he's telling me that everything is coming back to him in sudden realizations. He says he was in complete denial up until now, and he somehow forgot about it. So he didn't realize his aunt and grandma were involved before he filed the report.
He has told his family members and friends about it. He is very open about what happened. But today he told me that as he was sitting in my chair, he realized that he was raped again at work by a man who everyone thought to have HIV. He hasn't been able to have a full appointment with a psychiatrist, but he did see one who just gave him some medication for schizophrenia; but he says he didn't even get to tell him what happened, and the doctor didn't tell him why he gave him the medication. He went in for an HIV test after he realized what his sister's father had done, but he doesn't get the results until later. So now he is left thinking that he has HIV.
I keep trying to tell him, "You haven't seen that guy's results, and you haven't seen your results, so for all you know he could've been clean." But he says he is absolutely sure that the guy had HIV. I asked him why, and he said it was because everyone at work was telling him that the guy had it. What gets me even more is everyone at work KNEW about it, and they did NOTHING but fire the guy! He says for some reason the manager of the store taped his statement and that was it. They wanted to keep it hush hush.
So after he's told me all of this, I really have no idea what to do. He is my homie, and always will be, but this is all so much at once that it sounds like it could even be fictional. I mean, his doctor did give him that medicine. Am I not being told the whole truth? Or is my friend really in dire straits here? All I can think to do is to hang out with him whenever he calls me up and wants to chill, and to talk to him about it when he needs to. But even then, I try to talk about other subjects, so as to not dwell on the situation; but it's a very serious situation. I recommended that he goes back to the police station to file another, updated report, and he says he will tomorrow.
The words "love" and "life" go together. It is almost as if they are one. You must love to live, and you must live to love, or you have never lived nor loved at all.
Originally Posted by Zeraph
...the best way to keep a big secret would be to make it public with disinformation...