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Old 03-04-2006, 09:27 AM   #12 (permalink)
I want a Plaid crayon
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That guy should not be a cop. If someone askes a question like that they should give a quick clear answer or tell them where they can find out. He is getting paid to deal with stuff like that and he wasnt doing it. wasnt acting professional or even like a mature adult for that matter. Now if this guy was acting like that while working in a grocery store or a factory or something it would be fine just another every day asshole. But people that are trusted to protect everyone should never act like that. I dont ever want to see anyone thats paid to carry a gun get that uptight and defensive about a question. Even if the complaint was about him he should of told them exactly what needed to be done or how to go about reporting a complaint. cops should expect people to complain about them and unless he was really doing something wrong nothing would happen to him anyway. I would personaly much rather see cops like this fired even if they couldnt be replaced. its better to have less cops then have bad cops around.
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