A lot of insecure people also post pictures on there because they get a lot of compliments. Especially if they're girls. It doesn't really matter how the girl looks - she'll probably have a few guys come on her site and talk about how hot she is...especially if she shows a bit of skin. And as for the girls who are slightly pretty or even hot....damn, there is no end to the guys that regularly visit to remind them how amazing they look.
While there are probably some good things about these sites, people get rediculously addicted to redesigning their websites, looking at pictures, checking up on their friends etc....to the point where they don't hang out with those people in person becuase they are busy spending hours looking at their sites. I have also seen the weird relationship issues that form from these sites, and it's just dumb.
The thing is...people are talking about how it's hard to interact in person for them, or the ease of communication these days, and I fully agree. I love the web. I like to read blogs sometimes, and obviously, I like to go to forums too. I like communication via the internet. But for one thing, it really doesn't foster the development of real life social skills (so for those of you who have serious problems in face-to-face social situations, the only way to improve is to keep trying) and for another thing, sites like friendster and myspace aren't really so much about communication as about showing everyone how hot you are. Most people have seperate blogs to write about their thoughts, and while myspace might have a few, mostly, it's alll about the pictures. Which makes the whole communication theory kind of non-applicable in this case.
So I mean, I'm not saying that these sites are horrible for everyone. For people just looking to get laid, find parties, or fishing for compliments, these sites are great. But I do think it's kind of unhealthy, and I have no idea why anyone would want to post half-naked pictures of themselves on the internet for a bunch of strangers to admire. Maybe I'm just a prude, but yeah...
Besides, if, after the invites and the compliments, they are still too attached to their computers or too socially awkward to actually attend the parties and/or meet up with these people, what's the point of even going on that site at all?
That said, for those who are using these sites in a healthy way, and who are still able to communicate normally in the real world after discoving them, more power to you. Have fun with these sites. I'm not condemning the use of them in general. These are just my opinions based on way too many cases of friendster/myspace use I've seen.