Originally Posted by thelifeandtimes
The introduction of love into our relationship didn't change much, just a bit more connection on mental and physical levels. Soon after she sat me down and said that she was getting scared and she doesn't want to get to far into this, because as she loosely stated, she has a flightly relationship pattern. So I told her we can keep going and see what we can make of this or give up, and on her own, she decided to keep going.
Couple questions:
1. What have her other relationships been like? She has a "pattern", which implies previous behavior that's similar to your situation now
2. You've known her for years. Is the way she's acting right now reasoned and intelligent or fearful and instinctive?
If you think this is a part of an pattern she uses to avoid trusting or being emotionally vulnerable with you, I think you have a fine line to walk in order to keep her as your girlfriend. If this is a reasoned concious decision of hers, all you can do is let her go, and move on.