Ok, heres the thing. I am in college and I am with my boyfriend of a year and a half. I care about him so much and I try to do things with him and for him. Hes my best friend and the best boyfriend I could want.
So it has officially been three weeks, almost a month, since we have had sex and counting. I like sex but I can live without it. I am just trying to find out if there is a reason for the lack of sexual activity. And when I say three weeks I mean nothing as in no sex and no oral, nadda-zip, not even the slightest hint of sexual interest. Our relationship is fine as far as I know and nothing has changed to effect our relationship. I guess I am asking you guys out there if there is a reason that out of nowhere there is a lack sexual interest all of a sudden. I tried last night to "start certain activities" and his response was that he was tired. Which if he is tired I completely understand and being tired can kill your sexual drive. So what do you guys think and what is your advice?