I have a different view. You're not being overly paranoid. But you are exhibiting protective instincts, which can be construed as obsessive in a new relationship.
Most people on this forum are saying that you're over-reacting and that she may just be trying to be friendly with your friends. They might be right. But they could also be wrong, and that she, like everyone of us, may have a connection with this someone new and may find him interesting, attractive or just someone she gets along with. (Isn't that how relationships start?)
Well, your relationship is new and she's also discovering new things between the two of you. So she might find him more interesting than you. Also, what if he finds her interesting too and takes a liking? Do you know him well enough for him to know that he will respect your relationship? Most of my friends will, but I know the ones that don't.
However, what everyone was saying about playing it cool and not showing possessive tendencies is absolutely important. It's a tough one, but you can either:
- be great pals with him, to a point that he will not betray you, or
- keep her away from him, ie have lunches and gatherings away from this guy
And I agree somewhat with Poppinjay: Don't worry about things that might break you up. They will happen no matter what you do.