Right Consequences:
Kills Jones
10 donor pateints live
"lefty" inadvertenly kills 5 men rushing hearts to hospital
Therefore inadvertently saves 30 orphans
Tyrant, G.E.M. Anscombe, pop-top can
No livers, but Hitler and cure cancer with dialysis
unjust war free of war crimes
Left Consequences:
Jones Lives
Jones kills 5 men
Jones inadvertently saves 30 orphans
Tyrant, G.E.M. Anscombe, pop-top can
Kills "lefty"
Destroys 10 donor hearts
10 heart patients die, donate 20 livers
Hitler and cure cancer
Just war with war crimes
Author and person responsible for puttin brain on rail die either way, and a demon may be decieving
Brain knows:
Right: Kill Jones
Left: Kill Lefty, destroy 10 hearts
I would guess that the brain goes right, but I probably dont get it