You're being paranoid, insecure, and basically making a HUGE deal over nothing.
I'm assuming you're a senior in HS (the whole eating lunch together thing). By now, I'd imagine that you've felt kinda bad about not having a girlfriend until now. However, rest assured that it really doesn't matter how many girlfriends you've had- what matters is the kind of guy you are deep down inside.
Ask yourself why you're upset. Are you upset because you don't trust this girl, or because you're afraid you're not good enough for her and she'll cheat on you? If you don't trust her, that's an issue right there, because all relationships require trust first and foremost in order to be healthy and happy. However, if you're feeling insecure, then you need to examine your priorities in life. You should not be dating someone as an ego booster- doing so will inevetably lead to immense feelings of jealously whenever your SO exhibits intrest in anyone other than you.
If you find that you are feeling jealous, I recommend this simple exercise (once you've established that you do, in fact, trust your GF). Wear a rubber band on your wrist. Whenever you start getting jealous, snap the rubber band hard enough to sting. This brings you to the present moment and literally "snaps" you out of your jealous mindset. Then you are able to analyze the situation and get over being jealous with a clear head, instead of just basing your feelings in emotion. This is a technique I learned from the professor of my Psychology class in college- she used the technique quite successfully while a counselor. Try it if you can't get those feelings of jealousy to go away!
I also recommend taking up a new hobby- anything you have wanted to try and haven't yet. This will build your self-esteem and get you believing in yourself, so the feelings of jealousy won't come back!
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
She answers hard acrostics, has a pretty taste for paradox
She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
In conics she can floor peculiarities parabolous -C'hi